Once you have narrowed down your top choices for a purchase, you will want to learn more. At this point you understand the business at a high level, and you are serious enough about purchasing that you are ready to see the business and meet the owner. This is an important step before you submit...
You’ve signed non-disclosure agreements, read many confidential business profiles and narrowed it down to several businesses you like. You’ve reviewed the Seller’s Discretionary Earnings worksheet and perhaps you’ve even had a buyer/seller meeting. The business is a good fit for your transferable experience and skills, and you understand how to grow it. The next step...
Confidentiality This is crucial to securing a successful transaction. Please make sure that you refrain from having any contact with employees, vendors or clients. Doing so could significantly impact the Seller’s business and the viability of your transaction. In addition, you may be liable for damages to the business.Show your financials. You will not be...
Buying a business can be a ton of work. Finding the right business, negotiating, due diligence and financing are just a few things that business buyers spend a lot of time on. This can lead to business transition items being neglected. Professional business buyers like Private Equity Groups look at these items very closely and...
CIBC’s Deputy Chief Economist Robert Tal presents on what 2021 will look like amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic impacts it has had. https://youtu.be/mEpKJZTOxHU Sunbelt’s Key Takeaways * The COVID-19 effect upon the economy is not over but with the vaccine being rolled out, the economy should see a massive recovery in the second...
KAG Cements presence in Canada with acquisition. Mid-October 2020, American trucking and logistics company agrees to acquire an ally from the North. Kenan Advantage Group, from North Canton, Ohio has acquired Paul’s Hauling Ltd., from Winnipeg, Manitoba. Kegan Advantage Group is among the top trucking and logistics companies in the United States, while Paul’s Hauling...
Decisions being made in Congress since the COVID-19 outbreak have not prioritized the true needs of American small businesses and the people who work for them. In addition, the actions of most states’ governors and federal policymakers have been outright naïve and ignorant to the realities of how small businesses operate, leading to the collapse...
MINNEAPOLIS – January 14, 2021 – Sunbelt Business Advisors (“Sunbelt”) served as the exclusive financial advisor to Material Distributors, Inc. (MDI), a wholesale distributor of building materials based in Marshall, Minnesota, in connection with a sale of the Company to Amerhart. MDI’s primary service areas are Southwest and Central Minnesota, Eastern South Dakota, and Northwest Iowa. The...
The business brokerage market currently weighs heavily in favor of business owners seeking to sell their business. There are too few quality businesses for sale to meet buyer demand. Businesses that sold in the 2nd half of 2020 were valued at higher multiples than at any other time in recent history. Interest rates remain at...