Often acquisitions fall apart within 24 hours before the close. And the lack of a comprehensive integration plan can spell disaster for the newly combined organization. Acquisitions are a great way to achieve cost advantages, grow revenues rapidly, acquire sets of skills and technology or a strategic strategy to promote growth. But there are three...
Mergers and Acquisitions are finally emerging from the dark ages. Today’s middle-market CEO’s have more transparency into deal-related information and relationships than ever before. Successful investors and buyers proactively connect with CEOs to discuss opportunities/ peer networks and online platforms provide CEOs access to industry data and trends; and CEOs meet capital provider at industry...
Selling your business is a difficult thing to do. This business, whether retail, manufacturing, or service has been your baby for many years. You’ve seen it through good and bad times, made friends because of it, and have lived a comfortable life while working for yourself. But there comes a time when selling that business...
Whether you’re actively selling your privately-held business or not, as the owner of a company you may wonder about the value of your business and how it will impact your options. In that case, you may want to consider a discounted cash flow analysis. But there are multiple ways to value your privately-held company, and...
It’s hard work running a small business, especially when you are not quite big enough to employ department heads, and must take on a lot of the work yourself. Whether you are looking to buy or sell a small business, you will almost certainly need the help of excellent business brokers. MN offers you a...
For years, buying car washes have been a promising investment for those interested in buying a business. However, as car washes become more automated and cars and consumers continue to evolve, the industry has changed significantly. If you’re thinking about buying a car wash business, there are several important questions to consider before you sign...
There are three primary considerations when approaching such a transaction: how to maximize the seller’s economics, how to time the market and how to make the business financially attractive to buyers willing and able to pay the most. This paper by Dan Mulvaney, CPA (inactive), MBA, Sunbelt Business Advisors tells you how a manufacturing business...
In addition to the feel-good benefits that come by helping others, you can develop your professional leadership skills through mentoring. In today’s world of work, it is often up to the individual to own their career success. Unfortunately, this often includes seeking out your own opportunities for leadership skills. The good news is, that regardless...
Buying a business is not just finding that thing to match your skills or passion. It’s not just signing on the bottom line. Sometimes that is not enough. Before you put your signature on that offer, be sure to ask these questions of the seller and their business advisor. Questions all buyers should be asking...