When developing an exit plan, explore the “What Ifs” Since we can’t predict the future, it is important for the business owner to adopt a “what if” mentality when thinking of exit plans. It is very simple logic. To follow it ask “What if” or “What should I do if ” and then name or...
Take an honest look at how your company functions internally. Even if you bring home millions, it may be time for a change. A startup mentality focuses the mind, challenges the body, and can be good for the soul. I love the scrappy, can-do attitude of early-stage companies—simply walk through the doors and the energy...
Starting and running a business can be challenging. But most start-up business owners don’t even consider an exit plan. Most business owners are intent on getting the day-to-day and year-to-year tasks done. For them making money in business means ultimately showing positive cash flow and a bottom line profit. With this mindset, entrepreneurs often figure...
The Best Companies Know These Answers Are you the owner of a lower middle market business (revenues of $5 Million to $50 Million)? If so, do you know the answers to the following questions? Why should you care about the impact that baby boomer demographics will have on your exit planning? Why should you care...
Business owners are surrounded by potential buyers. Family members, employees and competitors interact with business owners daily. So it is no surprise that a family member who works in the business, a loyal employee or even a respected competitor are at the top of the list when a business owner thinks about selling. But how...
Business owners are an independent lot. But they are surprisingly predictable when it comes to selling their companies. When revenues are rising and money is cheap; they delay. This can have serious consequences when the market turns. Every business owner will exit their business someday. The decision to sell is often a combination of personal...
When selling or buying a business think of the transaction structure as a three legged stool. The three legs are Price, Terms and Taxes. If any one of these “legs” are not well built your deal will collapse. Below is an excellent article about a tax strategy many sellers and buyers fail to consider. Thanks...
Every business owner is capable of selling their own company. But when it comes to this major financial event, owners should consider whether “for sale by owner” is a smart strategy. The typical business owner is, by necessity, a good negotiator. They negotiate with vendors and customers on a regular basis. They certainly understand their...
Sunbelt would like to congratulate Service Printers and Arrowhead Printing. Arrowhead recently acquired Service Printers. Sunbelt acted as the exclusive sell-side advisor to Service Printers. Sunbelt had inquiries from over 50+ buyers and had serious discussions with 21 buyers. Strategic acquisitions like this are on the rise. Buyer activity is very high. Growing companies like...