Ed Krajcir President of the Milwaukee office of Sunbelt Business Advisors appointed Midwest Business Brokers & Intermediaries (MBBI) Wisconsin Chapter President for 2013. The MBBI is one of the largest organizations of M & A advisors in the Midwest comprised of approximately 225 business brokers, M & A intermediaries, investment bankers, attorneys, accountants, banks, SBA...
Of all the factors that affect the sale readiness of your business, its financial condition tops the list. It-s difficult to look attractive to a prospective buyer unless you can showcase a good financial history with growing revenues and earnings, all documented in well-presented financial records Your business may keep financial records in the form...
To paraphrase Paul Simon, you have nearly fifty ways to leave your business and selling comprises six of them. Your selling options range from the obvious cut-all-the-strings approach by selling your business outright to selling off a portion of your business, ridding yourself of some of your responsibilities while staying involved for some time into...
After selling nearly 100 businesses in Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin from January 2012 through December 2012, Sunbelt Business Advisors business brokers and M & A Professionals are confident 2013 will be a favorable year to sell a business. Selling a company looks to be an easier feat these days according to Sunbelt Business Advisors. Sunbelt’s...
Setting Your Asking Price too High Neglecting to Get Your Business in Saleable Shape Lacking a Transition Plan Having a Short or Non-Transferable Lease Omsostomg pm am All-Cash Sale Covering Up Problems Stretching the Truth Taking Your Sweet Time When Communicating with Buyers Waiting too long to Qualify the Buyer Refusing to Negotiate ** from...
Here is Chart showing some of the advantages that we have over our competitors, advantages that you gain when choosing to work with Sunbelt. Sunbelt Business Advisors We are an elite division of Sunbelt , the largest organization of business brokers and M & A professionals in the world. With our four offices in Minneapolis,...
Buying a Business? Avoid These 5 Major Mistakes The one common denominator that most millionaires have is that they own their own business. Here is a quick summary of items to check so that you have a better chance of becoming a millionaire – avoid these 5 major mistakes when buying a business. 1) Due Diligence, Due...
The article linked below here asks a good question. It’s interesting to think about what affects business sales have on the economy and vice versa. Below are a couple of quotes from the article discussing this question. What are your thoughts about business sales related to the economy? “A healthy market for business succession means...
EXIT PLANS: HAVING ONE IS IMPORTANT By: Bart A. Basi and Marcus S. Renwick INTRODUCTION Starting and running a business can be challenging. Most business owners are intent on getting the day-to-day and year-to-year tasks done. For them making money in business means ultimately showing positive cash flow and a bottom line profit. With this...