The stock market keeps climbing, interest rates are low, consumer confidence is near an all-time high. This is a perfect storm for getting the most for your business if you are considering selling now. If you are not, you should at least find out what your business might be worth. Records are being broken in...
I was meeting recently with a business owner who was concerned about being able to sell a business without any hard assets or employees. He was trying to determine the value of his business. The fact is, you don’t need to have a lot of hard assets or employees in order to have a business...
Whether you’re actively selling your privately-held business or not, as the owner of a company you may wonder about the value of your business and how it will impact your options. In that case, you may want to consider a discounted cash flow analysis. But there are multiple ways to value your privately-held company, and...
Most business owners wait until they are forced to monetarily value their business – the need to sell or raise capital; a shareholder demands a full payout; or the company is passing hands within the family. But there are benefits to obtaining valuation prior to a sudden need: Sudden death of a partner, death of...
Among the many services offered to sellers by Sunbelt Business Brokers-Midwest are Business Pricing Reports to be used in a private third-party sale. These sales typically do not make use of a broker to facilitate finding a buyer, since the business owner has someone in mind – either a non-related buyer, partnership dissolution, or an...
When you think of the world’s most successful companies who comes to mind? Apple? Wal-Mart? Cargill? Maybe Berkshire Hathaway? Besides being Fortune 10 companies they share another trait; they know what their companies are worth. In fact the world’s best companies, both public and private, analyze their value on a regular basis. Public companies of...
Business owners often receive bad information regarding what their company is worth. They hear multiples and prices thrown around by friends, family, and even trusted professionals. Sunbelt Business Brokers sells more businesses than any business broker in the world so we can help you understand what businesses like yours are REALLY selling for. Most businesses...
We’ve been discussing value building quite a bit as do most business related sites, the news, etc. etc. One topic that business brokers know from experience aside from value drivers are the steps that business owners take to put more cash in their pockets that could hurt their pocket books at the time of sale. Documenting...
Strengthening Business Value There are four areas to consider when selling as far as areas for pre-sale improvement. Location You want to improve location exterior, any signage and other physical aspects similar to curb appeal when selling. You also want to consider your lease – is it transferrable, what is the duration, would it be...