MINNEAPOLIS, MN, April 11th, 2019 – Sunbelt Business Advisors (“Sunbelt”), served as the exclusive financial advisor to Maverick Blinds LLC. (“Maverick”) in connection with a sale to MCL Industries, Inc. (“MCL”). Specific terms of the transaction, which closed on March 6, 2019, were not disclosed. Founded in 2014 by Chad Stoll and Scott Gleisner, Maverick...
With 2018 upon us, it’s time to revamp and rethink your strategies for your small business. Align your goals with what’s trending to ensure you meet, or even possibly exceed, your expectations. From hiring to technological advances, here are 20 small business trends you should keep in mind when setting your 2018 goals. MARKETING &...
Sunbelt Business Brokers has been named best for selling a small business due to years of experience, number of brokers, industry knowledge and the ability to customize marketing plans for small businesses. Sunbelt Business Brokers has been named Best Business Broker by FitSmallBusiness.com. According to FitSmallBusiness.com, Sunbelt was selected for this honor because they have...
BizBuySell.com says second quarter 2016 Insight Report shows the small business sales market stabilizing at high activity levels; median time a business is on the market is about six months. A total of 1,935 business sales closed during the second quarter of 2016, bringing the year-to-date total to 3.775, slightly higher than the 3,743 sales...
Upsize Minnesota and Club Entrepreneur, along with Sunbelt Business Brokers, DS&B, Tech Guru, and Highland Bank will present a seminar for business sellers and buyers on due diligence and valuations. The event will be held at The Minneapolis Club at 11 a.m. on August 31, 2016. Attendance at this workshop will improve your chances for...
Sunbelt would like to congratulate Service Printers and Arrowhead Printing. Arrowhead recently acquired Service Printers. Sunbelt acted as the exclusive sell-side advisor to Service Printers. Sunbelt had inquiries from over 50+ buyers and had serious discussions with 21 buyers. Strategic acquisitions like this are on the rise. Buyer activity is very high. Growing companies like...
The continued spike in the sale of businesses is driving growth for Sunbelt Business Brokers and M&A Advisors. Sunbelt is expanding its Minneapolis offices and seeking Business Development Agents, business brokers, and M&A Advisors to add to the Minnesota team. Sunbelt’s expansion includes a large investment in a dedicated Business Development Department that helps our...
Sunbelt Business Advisors announces the sale of Upper Crust Pizza to a private buyer. Milwaukee, WI (PRWEB) November 21, 2013 Todd Ruhkick of Sunbelt Business Advisors represented Upper Crust Pizza in its November 15, 2013 sale to a private buyer. Sunbelt’s team responded to over 50 inquiries and showed the business, which started in 1975,...
Chris Jones, managing partner for Sunbelt Business Advisors highlights Sunbelt’s featured business on The Patriot Radio AM1280. The Company is a leading manufacturer in Aerospace and Medical industries. $3.4 Million in revenue and nearly $600,000 in profit. Bank Financing is Available. [audio mp3="https://www.sunbeltmidwest.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/chris-jones-30-081513.mp3"][/audio] Sunbelt Business Advisors offers complimentary consultations for buyers and sellers. If you...