If divorce is an issue when selling a business, owners usually split the proceeds of any sale equally, so getting the best price and terms available for both sellers is critical. Taking advantage of the expertise of an experienced business advisor and broker is essential to the best possible outcome. Dissolving a partnership due to...
Written by Keith Payne, Business Advisor, Broker and Industry Expert Source: The Minnesota News - Spring 2021 by MIIAB "I am very fortunate to work with business owners across multiple industries, and I can assure you that no business owners are more connected to their clients than a family-owned insurance agency. Owners invest their careers...
MINNEAPOLIS – “The American Academy of Ophthalmology declared 2020 to be the ‘Year of the Eye,’ and the American Optometric Association took it a step farther and declared it to be the ‘Year of the Eye Exam’,” said Sunbelt Business Advisors President Chris Jones. “We’re taking it another step farther yet and declaring this the...
KAG Cements presence in Canada with acquisition. Mid-October 2020, American trucking and logistics company agrees to acquire an ally from the North. Kenan Advantage Group, from North Canton, Ohio has acquired Paul’s Hauling Ltd., from Winnipeg, Manitoba. Kegan Advantage Group is among the top trucking and logistics companies in the United States, while Paul’s Hauling...
Decisions being made in Congress since the COVID-19 outbreak have not prioritized the true needs of American small businesses and the people who work for them. In addition, the actions of most states’ governors and federal policymakers have been outright naïve and ignorant to the realities of how small businesses operate, leading to the collapse...
The holidays provide a great time off to think about “What’s next?” Despite all the entertaining and gift-giving and get-togethers, most of us have a lot more down time than we think. Time to consider what next year could really look like in terms of your business – and finding out what it might look...
Written by Business Broker, Dan Arcand Dow Jones Industrial Average hit 30,000 points for the first time in its 124-year history on November 24, 2020 driven by the Federal Reserve’s short-term interest rates cuts back to roughly zero and Congress, which came through with trillions of dollars of financial aid for the economy. Due to...
In the U.S. we are witnessing an unprecedented demographic shift in business ownership with an expected 10 million businesses changing hands in the next decade, as baby boomers retire. At Sunbelt Business Advisors we have the awesome privilege and responsibility to build bridges between buyers and sellers of main street and lower middle-market businesses across...
Most business owners do a terrible job when it comes to selling or otherwise transitioning from their businesses. Consequently, they are leaving tremendous amounts of money on the table. Consider the following statistics from a recent Exit Planning Institute (EPI) survey. 80% to 90% of most business owners’ financial assets are bound up in the...