If cash is king, then cash flow is the kingmaker. Cash flow can have a multiplier effect in terms of achieving your planning goals for a successful future. Often, increasing cash flow requires strong performances from key employees. Let’s look at how properly motivating your key employees could cause a cascading effect that creates a...
It is safe to say the past two years have been full of surprises. Some businesses thrived, while in other areas jobs were lost, companies were forced to go under, and we even lost loved ones along the way. Many businesses were affected by the pandemic in some way or another. According to a survey...
Success is rarely linear. As a business owner, it’s important to both acknowledge that fact and create plans that can provide short-term results while having long-term impacts. Today, we’ll show you four areas in which strong planning and realistic goals can position you to achieve more success in the coming year. 1. Building strong management...
As the year winds down, it’s important for business owners to raise their awareness of last year’s performance. Knowing what you did well, along with where you struggled, is crucial to planning for future success. Today, we’ll show you three categories that you can review—strategic performance, tactical performance, and financial performance—and some questions you may...
COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on the cash flow of many small businesses. Government restrictions and societal behavioral changes were often the cause. Many of these businesses were classified by federal and state governments as being non-essential. The lending and business valuation communities have taken the position that COVID’s negative impact on businesses...
It can be difficult to consider what will happen to your business and your family if you die unexpectedly. Without proper planning, you could be leaving your family and/or key stakeholders in a huge mess. Proper planning allows you to keep your business on the right path even after an unexpected tragedy leaves you unable...
Next-level management teams are the drivers behind building business value. But how can you and your advisors attract and keep next-level management teams? The answer lies within incentive plans. When incentive plans are properly designed and implemented, your business has the potential to grow well after you sell. Well-executed incentive plans can motivate each member...
Taking on any large project can be manageable when you have a reliable process in place. When deciding to exit your business, for example, you will need a proven process in place to ensure you have covered all the bases. Just like baking, without following the specific process or recipe, you could end up setting...
Winsupply Eyes Distribution Expansion for its Fifth Acquisition of 2021 Winsupply Inc., a supplier and distributor of various residential and commercial construction and industrial supplies and equipment, acquired Clausen Supply out of Clinton, Iowa on September 2, 2021. Clausen serves as a main distributor in the HVAC industry in the eastern Iowa region. Jon Clausen,...