Residential HVAC Service - Chicago Area, $143K Down, $395K Cash Flow!
Bring your service industry skills in estimating and sales. This is a hands-on opportunity to guide and grow an already successful HVAC contractor in the Greater Chicago area. This is a Union shop with over 22 years in business, available with Real Estate.
Step into a thriving business with a low SBA downpayment and plenty of cash flow! Potential to expand service area or service offering. Actual customers give this business great reviews! Strong order backlog of near-future business.
For uninterrupted success a buyer should bring real HVAC experience and ability to operate in a Union environment. Business is priced at $946,000 and real estate is available for $400,000.
Get started right away.
Sunbelt Listing ID: 54890
Interested buyers must be able to demonstrate minimum available capital of $142,600
- Listing ID:
- 54890
- Industry:
- Service
- Location:
- Illinois
- Revenue:
- $1,616,460
- Business Price:
- $946,000
- Down Payment:
- $142,600
- SDE (Cash Flow):
- $395,242
- Real Estate for Sale:
- Yes
- Real Estate Price:
- $400,000
- Listing Agent:
- Clayton Wendt
- FF & E:
- $100,000
- Inventory included in sale:
- Yes
- Inventory Value:
- $35,000
- Years in Business:
- 20+ years
- Is this a franchise:
- No
- Employees (Full-Time):
- 4
- Reason for selling:
- Retirement
- SBA Financing Available:
- Yes