Niche Boutique in Southeastern South Dakota

This boutique has been a destination for clients from throughout the Midwest that reaches nationwide. For over two decades, they’ve helped thousands of satisfied clients look and feel their very best for their special day and event.

Recent family events have affected cash flow, although, everything is in place to allow a new owner to regain its $1MM in revenue as in prior years. Growth opportunities include growing its online commerce platform, utilizing social media marketing and expanding product lines. Favorable vendor contracts are included, along with $225,000 in inventory, plus the furniture and fixtures in the current space. Rent is currently month-to-month.

You don’t have to start from scratch, and you’ll have everything you need to step into this well-known boutique with instant recognition in the marketplace.

The owner is willing to train through a successful transition.

Sunbelt Listing ID: 55992

Interested buyers must be able to demonstrate minimum available capital of $225,000

Listing ID:
South Dakota
Business Price:
Down Payment:
SDE (Cash Flow):
Real Estate:
Real Estate Size:
1,500 sq. ft.
Listing Agent:
Jill TenHaken
FF & E:
Inventory included in asking price:
Inventory Value:
Years in Business:
20+ years
Is this a franchise:
Employees (Full-Time):
Employees (Part-Time):
Reason for selling:
Family Health

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