Glazing Contractors and Glass Company Business Owners-Are you seeking a no-cost Value Range Assessment of your business? Do you also want to NET the highest return possible from the sale of your business?

Tom Stadler will assist you with both as he has expert knowledge of the architectural glass, glazing, automotive glass industry.  He has listed/sold/consulted for multiple glass and glazing companies throughout the State of Minnesota and western WI.  Tom spent 28 years in the architectural and automotive glass industry.  He was responsible for general management of an $8M division of a $200M national architectural glass fabricator, distributor and contract glazier. Tom was an equity partner in a startup $10M flat and automotive glass distributor, as well as an established $16M architectural glass fabricator, distributor and glazing contractor.  Tom is an active affiliate member of the Minnesota Glass Association (MGA) and the National Glass Association (NGA).     

Tom will help you wade through the promises made by other brokers.  You will have more combined industry experience and industry knowledge at your disposal than you ever thought possible.  Then you can make your decision. 

The Sunbelt No-Cost, Value Range Assessment is an investment we make in research-and the application of my experience-to make sure you receive a realistic value range, with no surprises or empty promises.  Sunbelt is an expert in valuation and maximizing the price of your business.  I can lead you through the value drivers of Risk and Growth.

It’s not what you sell your business for, it’s what you net.  As the Seller of a business, one of the most important goals during the process is to NET the highest return possible from the sale.  I help my clients accomplish this by focusing not just on the sale price of the business, but on the “three-legged stool” of Price, Terms and Taxes.  By securing the desired price, allocating wisely for tax purposes, and negotiating favorable terms, the tax burden can be minimized.  For example, by negotiating the book value vs. the fair market value of your assets with a potential buyer, you may be able to reduce the tax exposure on thousands of dollars of assets.  I work with you and your accountant to deliver the best tax strategy BEFORE we go to market.              

Presented by Tom Stadler
Licensed Business Advisor/Finance Director/SBA-Conventional Loan Specialist/CMSBB
Phone:  952-300-5705       Email: